
Thinking About Purchasing an Electronic Vehicle? 


Find answers to common questions co-op members have about electric vehicles.
Since electric vehicles are rapidly becoming more widely available, we put together this information to help
answer questions you might have.

Benefits of electric vehicles 

Electric vehicle technology has come a long way!
Today, EVs:

  • Offer longer driving ranges
  • Have extended warranties
  • Can utilize charging points located along major roadways and many places of employment, shopping and entertainment areas offer charging stations as well.



Henry Ford’s wife drove an EV!

Is it smart to rely on such “new” technology?

Electric powered autos are not a new technology. Although EVs may seem like the latest and greatest invention, in reality the technology has been around for more than a century. In the 1890s, electric cars were more popular than gas-powered autos because of their simplicity, reliability, and low cost of operation.  

For a variety of reasons, EV technology languished with the rise of gas-powered engines, but today, EVs—once again—are charging to the auto transportation forefront. This resurgence is fueled by significant advancements in power electronics and energy storage technologies.



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